Useful Expressions

Students' do you have a secret for giving a good answer? Let's hear it!

IELTS 6.5 7.0 7.5+ "Useful Expressions"

01 ... a challenging environment ...

02 ... has had a positive / good / negative / bad effect on me

03 ... it saves time

04 ... it's a quick / easy / good way to ...

05 ... it's more convenient than ...

06 ... it's really easy

07 ... it's cheaper

08 ... the chance / opportunity to ...

09 ... the feeling / sense that ...

10 chat with

11 communicate with

12 Anyway, ...

13 earn a lot of money

14 Generally speaking, ...

15 shop online

16 shop in the sales

17 a waste of time

18 a (freindly) type / sort / kind of person

19 a wide variety of ...

20 Another benefit / drawback / factor / thing is ...

21 As a child / When I was younger ...

22 at the weekend

23 book holidays / flights

24 But he's / she's not like that at all!

25 different kinds / sort of ...

26 Even though I don't ... I still ...

27 even though / on the other hand

28 For example / for instance ...

29 get great bargains

30 get on (well) with someone

31 get stuck / nervous

32 Going by (train) is ...

33 have the same taste

34 He / she can ...

35 He / she has to ...

36 He / she looks like ...

37 He / she looks ...

38 He / She's the kind of person who ...

39 I dont find it difficult to ...

40 I don't have to worry about (parking)

41 I don't mind ...

42 I don't really like / enjoy +ing

43 I find it easy to ...

44 I find ... difficult

45 I get / don't get a lot of satisfaction from my job

46 I had a bad experiene with ...

47 I have to / don't have to ...

48 I like ... more than ...

49 I like / I love ...

50 I like / I especially like / I love ...

51 I like / love it because ...

52 I like / love / don't like ...

53 I love ...

54 I love / hate travelling by (bus) beause

55 I love / like / enjoy +ing

56 I met (him) six years ago

57 I think I'd be good at ...

58 I think I'd like to ...

59 I think I'm ...

60 I think (I watch too much TV)

61 I used to listen to ...

62 I wanted to be / dreamed of being ...

63 I watch (three) hours TV a day / a week

64 I work as (a sales assistant)

65 I work for (a small company)

66 I work in (a big office)

67 I would love to be ...

68 I would say that ...

69 I (don't) really like / enjoy ...

70 I decided to study (science) because ...

71 I enjoy ... -ing

72 I hate / I can't stand / I'm not (so) keen on ...

73 I hate / I don't really like ...

74 I prefer ...

75 I prefer to wear ...

76 I tend to ...

77 I wish I could be ...

78 I'd like to have a ...

79 I'd rather ...

80 I'd say ...

81 I'm good at ...

82 I'm in charge of (a sales team)

83 I'm into (classical music) ...

84 I'm (quite) fashion-conscious

85 I'm (not very) good at ...

86 I'm (not very) interested in fashion

87 I'm (not) really interested in ...

88 I'm nervous around ...

89 I'm afraid of ...

90 In general, ...

91 In my experience / opinion / view ...

92 In my free time I ...

93 In my opinion / In my view / I think that / I feel that ...

94 In some ways that's (good / bad) because ...

95 In the end I decided ...

96 in the morning / afternoon / evening

97 it doesn't fit me

98 It takes (me) ten minutes / half an hour / three hours

99 It depends on / what / how / where ...

100 it suits me

101 It's a (good / effective) way to ...

102 it's a (great) place to (live) ...

103 It's for ...

104 it's got the best (museums) I've ever seen / been to

105 it's great for (students)

106 It's hard to ...

107 It's important for me to ...

108 It's just around the corner from ...

109 it's not as (dangerous) as ...

110 it's one of the (most interesting) ...

111 it's so (expensive)

112 it's such (good quality)

113 it's the (largest) ...

114 it's (more beautiful) than ...

115 I've always wanted to be ...

116 I've been (a teacher) for (ten years)

117 I've known Gary for eight years / since 2008

118 I've never ...

119 keep in touch / get in touch with someone

120 keep in touch with

121 keep up to date with

122 learn about

123 look up information

124 make mistakes

125 My friends / family / colleagues would say I'm ...

126 My favourite advert at the moment is ...

127 My favourite restaurant / dish / cuisine is ...

128 My favourite sport / leisure activity is ...

129 My favourite programme is ...

130 On the other hand ...

131 on the outskirts

132 One good / bad thing is that ...

133 One problem is that ...

134 One drawback of being a / an ... might be ...

135 share photos

136 Since (I was a teenager) I've been into ...

137 spend time +ing

138 spend time with (someone)

139 The best thing about being a / an (job name) would be ...

140 The best thing about working in ... would be ...

141 The best thing about / One good thing about ... is ...

142 The best / worst thing about ...

143 The best / worst thing is ...

144 The best / worst aspects of my personality are ...

145 The only thing I like / watch / don't watch / always watch / never watch is ...

146 The only downside would be ...

147 The other great thing is ...

148 The thing I like best about him / her is ...

149 The thing I like / love / dislike / hate most about (Gary) is ...

150 The worst / hardest / most difficult thing about learning English is ...

151 The downside is ...

152 the weekly shop

153 The main reason I like ...

154 There was one time when ...

155 these days

156 To be honest ...

157 We have the same taste in ...

158 (We) look alike

159 We used to / didn't use to ...

160 What I really wanted to be was ...

161 What motivates me is ...

162 When I was a child ...

163 When we get together / meet we ...

164 When you first meet him / her, you might think ...

165 Within walking distance of ...

Here are some useful vague expressions you can use in speaking above?

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